Thursday, May 17, 2007

Imagine that!! After 40 odd years of not getting together or even hearing from each other, it finally happened on one rather dull Sunday afternoon. A group of 11 greying but not so paunchy, and I repeat not so paunchy, elderly gentlemen met to revisit their past. Great job guys, you are all keeping in good shape!! Albeit some hands shot up in answer to who has hypertension, but that's part and parcel of modern day stressful living.

"I have lost some 20 kg since school, 42" used to be my waistline" enthused Raymond. Yes you certainly look great Guan Chong Raymond, as most of us scrambled to press the delete button to erase that rather persistant rolly polly image.

So in between sips of red wine or was it white? we talked about the past, our more inspiring and depressing moments. Eyes light up when brain neurons seek to activate the deep recessses of our mind, finally yielding, giving verbal expression to that which has stayed hidden but still cherished and not forgotten.

"I was born at the wrong time" lamented Chin Tak, revealing that he has had an interest in phychology, but as fate has it, this area of study was not available way back then. Imagine a Freudian Choo, championing the Oedipus complex, that what we are today is because of our infantile sexual experiences.

Lim Bok Hai stood out a prominent teacher. "He taught us not so much from the book, but how to live and be a good person" And of course Miss Dusk gets a mention because of her assets, together with others like Chan Heng Yoon, Miss Kan, Mrs Loh, Betty Tan etc.

One of my personal favourite was Scharenguival. He stamped beautiful poetic phrases onto my mind, non volatile memory retention. How can anyone forget the opening to Shakespeare's Ode to His Coy Mistress. "If I have ten thousand years or more, this coyness lady is no sin" and then he goes on to spend years admiring each of her physical assets and finally threatening "and the worms shall feed on thy virginity" if still unrelenting. WOW what a great pick up line!!

A mood of nostalgia and a sense of loss, when the conversation drifted to those who are no longer with us. Left us too early too soon, through choice or otherwise. Still alive in our memory though brief the encounter. Staring mortality in the face, I am sure each of these ageing gentlemen are thankful in their own private way, thankful to their God, whatever/whomever they conceive Him to be, to have so lovingly looked after and cared for them all these years.

Will there be a next meeting of ageing gentlemen? I am sure there will be, and I am sure more will be indicted in the future. The spirit of Gess66 lives!!


At May 18, 2007 at 12:34 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Wai Seng,

I'm testing to see if I can get into your blog. This mountain turtle "never say die" Just want to try. If I succeeed, then all of us can make use of your blog to chi chi cha cha........cheers


At May 18, 2007 at 4:33 PM , Blogger wai seng said...

ya, you made it. I have sent out invitations for all of you to be able to post new entries onto the blog, so you can all start new discussion threads. Happy posting!!


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