Saturday, November 6, 2010


We've just met after a long absence ....... and you left us
We could have laughed with you ...... now we can only remember
We could have enjoyable meals together ...... you chose to eat with the Lord
We could be reminiscing the past ...... you went to prepare the way

Rest in peace, Raymond Wee Guan Chong.

Raymond: Thanks and I am so glad that you keep me awake and alive with more of your Hokkien pangs! With you and MKK, we don't have to search the webs for jokes anymore.When you mentioned about Tay Koh Yat bus, it brings back memories of my younger days. My Hokkien friends use to make fun of that bus company name.....He would say it backward and it went like this Yat Koh Tay.......Those of you understand malay will know what Koh Tay means....otherwise you will miss this joke.

Raymond: Talking about China.....I really think it must be a great place for you know what? The China Dolls of course. Talking about Dolls...have you heard about this joke. There're once a guy who had more than one wives. So he had to nicknamed all his wives (not in Singapore though as polygamy is criminalised or penalised or whatever lah!)He name his third wife Barbie doll second wife China dolland first wife......?????PANADOL.......

Raymond's remarks about us

on MakKK: I agree wholeheartedly with NCC that MKK is doing Miss Chan Ying proud. At least he was paying attention in class when we were all dosing off......Or is it because he was attentive for some other dubious reasons....ha ha ha!!! MKK you're the King live wire in our "inner circle"? Keep it up! Don't fade away unless you're away in your business trip to Gong Li's land.

I like the name "Honda Suzuki". Never know you like Motorbike or is it that you like the demure, supple "Japanese women?" From now on that will be your assigned name. Oh Hi yor Go sai Maste !!!! Hite! Kon Ni Chi Woh! There you go again. "Kanna Wag" is a most common phrase I heard so many times when we were in class 40 over years ago.....It's still ringing in my ears. You never grow huh! Still can remember such words. Wow you are a super man with "extraordianry" brain and memory. I don't know if our unofficial on-going forum will be as interesting without Honda Suzuki Mak. The extraordinary person.

on KHS: Dr Khoo aka Dr Niceman, please do not stop sharing your hokkien phrases time and again. It's enriching my vocabulary of Hokkien. We all learn the "bad words" first before we get serious about language. Thanks to MKK for his creative latent talent that he is epousing now. Language is certainly very colourful too if you know how ?

on Kelvin Lee: I did not know that Kelvin is a Baba siow too? No wonder we seem to have some thing in common....ah hah! don't speculate. It's purely above board. I'm just being careful knowing that some of us are always ready to pounce upon some slip up.

on Ben Ho and HowYK: Now I recalled why I was not in the inner circle before (when In school) I was not in the Cantonese group neither was I in the Hokkien Peng group. So I was a loner with only Banjo and Yan Kian to keep me afloat....But all is not lost. I'm glad that you all have graciously accepted me into the inner circle again. Better late than never.

Banjo also gave the late Arulselvam name like Arul Sell Bum.....I enjoyed Banjo's antics and his never ending jokes. He is full of fun. We even continue to go outings together after we left GESS until we have to part when he started working outside Singapore. We lost touch after that and managed to speak to each other only through the phone. Even then it's very rare.

on NgCC: Ai Yah...don't worry hoh! NCC is a gentleman (I heard from my friend that gentleman also sounds like Jiang Ter Bin....kindly translate for me what it means in English?) and he doesn't gossip. That I'm sure.

As I said before, Chor Chye, you make a good leader. Why??? because of your rigorous training and having been through all the baptism of Fire during your tenure as head prefect and class monitor. You must be able to recall how some of our class rascals gave you a hard time. Even the great guy,Banjo used to teased you with names like Cho Chot (it's malay word that rhymes close to your name) I'm impressed that Mak Kee Kwok can remember this name calling.

on Jeniffer E Darby: I do not believe that any one of us could have forgotten or recalled Jeniffer E Darby. She hails from Exeter, a small town in UK. It was a great treat being taught by her. At least we all share the same taste especially Banjo. I know because he drools......whenever Jeniffer Darby walks past. Unfortunately, I do not have her photo. So I cannot cheer all of you.

on ChooCT: this is what I like about you. Very open, transparent and frank.Not being shy to express your feelings. After all we are all good buddies. I really enjoy reading your email very much. Keeps my adrenaline pumping.......For someone devoid of excitement in this quiet, tranquil,peaceful place where sheeps and cattle outnumbered humans....

on LimBH: Secondly, I just want to say that names we gave to our former class teachers were not meant to be disrespectful, but just for some jest and fun to lighten up the day. We owe a lot to them for what we are today....the good,the bad and the ugly too! But I'm sure we got most of the good things they imparted onto us. Some like Mr Lim Bok Hai had given us much more that just book knowledge. .... He left a lasting impression on me.

on NAME CALLING and SWANNING: Thirdly, I do really enjoy all the funs and name callings and I just hopethat you all don't feel offended. I like being called Rufino (thanks Kok Kee for bringing back that sweet name, which I had almost forgotten) How I ended up being Raymond now instead of Rufino baffles me. "What's in a name....." These name callings were, I'm pretty sure done with good intention. That I can assure you. It took us more than 40 years to discover the talents of some of our very own classmates. Thanks to them for willing to share stories of our colourful & memorable schooldays (some so vividly like Chin Tak's recollection on Ms Jeniffer Darby's extraordinary assets). I'm sure we are all mature to be able to know that all those anecdotes were not meant to be offensive. At least I don't and in fact I do really enjoy such fun (only pure fun and nothing else)


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